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Campus Safety


The Clery Act is a federal law that requires institutions of higher education (colleges and universities) in the United States to disclose campus security information including crime statistics for the campus and surrounding areas. It was first enacted by Congress in 1990 and most recently amended in 2013 by the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act.

All institutions of postsecondary education, both public and private, that participate in federal student aid programs must publish and disseminate an annual campus security report as well as make timely warnings of any ongoing threats to the campus community.

Standard College must disclose the most recent three years of Clery crime statistics and security policies in the Annual Security Report that must be published by October 1st of each year.

The Clery Act crimes that must be disclosed by institutions can be found here.


Annual Security Report

On October 1st of every year, each member of the campus community is sent a notice of the availability of this annual report by electronic mail along with a brief description of its contents as follows:

“Standard Healthcare Services, College of Nursing’s annual security report is now available. This report is required by federal law and contains policy statements and crime statistics for the school. The policy statements address the school’s policies, procedures and programs concerning safety and security, for example, policies for responding to emergency situations and sexual offenses. Statistics are included for certain types of crimes that were reported to have occurred on campus, in or on off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the school and on public property within or immediately adjacent to the campus. This report is available online at

You may also make an oral or written request for a paper copy, which shall be provided without charge to you, by contacting the front Desk in person or by calling (703) 891-1787.”

Emergency calls may be made to 911. You may contact the Fairfax County Police Department Non-emergency line at 703-691-2131 for non-emergency assistance or the Standard College Student Services Office at (703) 891-1787 for information during business hours.

Campus Safety

2023 Annual Campus Security And Fire Safety Report

This Campus Security Report is your guide to the policies and procedures that Standard Healthcare Services, Inc. College of Nursing has implemented for the safety and security of the campus community.

Inside, you’ll find a combined annual security report as well as statistics for all available years in compliance.



Emergency Preparedness Plan