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Returning Students

RETURN TO PROGRAM POLICY - Practical Nursing program

A student dismissed from the Practical Nursing program for the first time may apply for re-admission to the program no less than 180 days from the date of dismissal.

A student dismissed from the Practical Nursing program for the second time may apply to the program no less than three years from the date of dismissal.


A student dismissed from the LPN to RN Transition program for the first time may apply for re-admission to the program no less than 180 days from the date of dismissal.

A student dismissed from the LPN to RN Transition program for the second time may apply to the program no less than three years from the date of dismissal.

Required steps to Return to the Program

The student shall take the following steps when applying for readmission:

  • A student wishing to be re-admitted shall send a request for readmission to the Registrar’s Office at
  • The student shall complete a readmission application.
  • The student shall take a placement test. The passing grade for the placement test is 75%.
  • The student shall resubmit the Health Requirement forms and Criminal Background Check and Drug Test.
  • The student must make satisfactory financial arrangements prior to final approval for re-admission.

Space Availability

Reenrollment will be based upon space availability. The former student may need to wait for an unspecified period of time for a spot to become available in the course he/she is scheduled to join, after completing the required steps contained in the Return to Program policy.

A student who has been away from the program for more than 10 years must restart the entire program from the beginning. Clock hours, lab hours and clinical hours that had been completed by the student will not be considered or counted as credit. This means, the student who had been away from the program for more than 10 years shall reapply to the program by submitting the online application, along with the application fee, and complete the entire application process. If the student is admitted, the student must start from the beginning of the program.

Return to Program Online Application

The first required step is to complete the online Return to Program application. (Standard College may take 48-72 hours to process an application). The application can be found at the following link:

Re-Enrollment Application

PN Health Requirements Forms, Criminal Background Check and Drug Test Form.

These forms must be completed before you reenter the program. The completed forms should be sent to the Student Records Office at

Required Forms for Re entry (PN Students)

RN Health Requirements Forms, Criminal Background Check and Drug Test Form.

These forms must be completed before you reenter the program. The completed forms should be sent to the Student Records Office at

Required Forms for Re entry (RN Students)