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Satisfactory Academic Progress

Standard College’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy determines whether an eligible student is making academic progress in his or her educational program in order to receive Federal Student Aid (FSA) funds under the Title IV, HEA program. Standard College’s SAP provides for consistent application of standards to all students within categories of students.

Standard College monitors the satisfactory academic progress of students with qualitative and quantitative criteria, as required by federal regulations.

  1. Student must achieve a specified cumulative grade point average (GPA) at each semester/term evaluation point.
  2. Student must progress through the education program within a maximum time frame.

While Standard College monitors Satisfactory Academic Progress at the end of each course, pursuant to the institution’s Academic Progression policies, the official SAP review occurs at the end of a student’s payment period, as required by the U.S. Department of Education. During the official academic review, the schools assesses the student’s (1) cumulative GPA and (2) pace at which the student is progressing through the program to determine whether the student is maintaining eligibility for FSA funds.

Minimum Standards

  • GPA Requirement:
    • Students in the LPN to RN Transition program must maintain a minimum semester GPA of 2.5 and score and 79.50% or better in each course.
    • Students in the Practical Nursing program must maintain a minimum term cumulative GPA of 2.5 and score 79.50% or better in each course.
  • Pace (Rate) of Completion Requirement:
  • Students must successfully complete 67% of their attempted credits/clock hours for each SAP assessment period.
Practical Nursing Program
SAP will be Evaluated at a Minimum Minimum % successful completion of credits attempted Minimum GPA
After 450 Clock Hours 67% 2.5
After 900 Clock Hours 67% 2.5
LPN to RN Transition Program
SAP will be Evaluated at a Minimum Minimum % successful completion of credits attempted Minimum GPA
After 12 credits 67% 2.5
After 24 credits 67% 2.5
After 36 credits 67% 2.5

Maximum Time Frame Requirement

Standard College’s Practical Nursing and LPN to RN students must complete their program of study within 150% of the stated length of the program. The student who does not complete the program within this maximum time frame will be dismissed from the program. Each SAP evaluation period calculates the pace at which the student is progressing by dividing the total number of credits/clock hours the student has successfully completed by the total number of credits/clock hours the student has attempted.


For Example, LPN to RN Transition Program:

Credit hours required for program completion at Standard College 70 credits

Maximum Credit Hours allowed to attempt is 105

Program length 60 weeks/14months

Maximum time frame to complete program is 60 weeks X 150%= 90 weeks/21 months


For Example, Practical Nursing (Day/Evening-Full Time):

Clock hours required for program completion 1350.

Maximum Clock Hours Allowed to attempt is 2025

Program length 54 weeks/14months

Maximum time frame to complete program is 54 weeks X 150%= 81 weeks/20 months


For Example, Practical Nursing (Weekend-3/4 time):

Clock hours required for program completion is 1350.

Maximum Clock Hours Allowed to attempt is 2025.

Program length 68 weeks/18 months

Maximum time frame to complete program is 68 weeks X 150%= 102 weeks/25 months


Important: If at any time during the determination calculation it becomes mathematically impossible for a student to complete their program on time, the student will be dismissed from the program.

Generally, all periods of the student’s enrollment count when assessing progress, even periods in which the student did not receive FSA funds.


Transfer credits/clock hours are not considered in calculating semester/term or cumulative GPAs.

Transfer credits/hours are not considered in determining term/semester Rate of Completion requirements.


Clinical Practicum courses are denoted as “P or “F”” and do not count toward semester/term or cumulative GPA calculations.

The Maximum Time Frame requirement of the SAP policy will be adjusted for each (P) credit/hour accepted within a student’s program by:

  1. subtracting the total (P) credits/hours from the assessment term/semester or the program, and
  2. recalculating the Maximum Time Frame


Incomplete courses count as credits/clock hours attempted but not earned.

Incomplete credits/clock hours are considered when calculating the Percentage of Completion Rate portion of the SAP policy.

All required SAP assessment portions are calculated for a student when the final grade replacing an Incomplete (I) is issued.


Repeated courses will count toward the student’s term/semester and cumulative Grade Point Average SAP policy requirements.

Repeated courses will count toward Percentage of Completion Rate SAP policy requirements.


The “withdrawal deadline” for each course is by the 4th scheduled course day. A student withdrawing from a course by the 4th day of the course scheduled attendance shall receive a “W”. Student withdrawing from a course after the 4th day of the course scheduled attendance shall receive a “WP” if they had a passing grade or a “WF” if they had a failing grade. A student withdrawing from a course after the “withdrawal deadline” shall be responsible for entire cost the course.

  • (W) Denotes a Withdrawal that occurred before the “withdrawal deadline” of the course.

Does not affect term/semester GPA

Does not affect cumulative GPA

Is not calculated in any portion of the SAP policy


  • (WP) denotes a Withdrawal that occurred after the “withdrawal deadline” of the course and the student had a grade that met criteria for passing the course.

WP does not affect term/semester GPA

WP does not affect cumulative GPA

WP is used when determining the Maximum Time Frame portion of the SAP policy


  • (WF) denotes a Withdrawal that occurred after the “withdrawal deadline” of the course and the student had a grade that did not met criteria for passing the course

WF does affect term/semester GPA

WF does affect cumulative GPA

WF is used when determining all portions of the SAP policy