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Student Services

The Office of Student Services is committed to supporting each student in developing and implementing an individualized plan for academic success and career development. The Assistant Director of Education provides guidance, support, and resources to Standard College students. The comprehensive student services offered at Standard College reflect the school’s student-centered philosophy. Consistent with Standard College’s core mission of supporting and inspiring its students to achieve excellence in nursing, Standard College provides tutoring sessions free of charge to its students. Course instructors are available by appointment to meet with students outside class hours. Content delivery is multidimensional and utilizes various resources including power points, case studies, role play, interactive discussions, and small group sessions.


The major goal of advising in the Nursing Program is to assist students to become self-directed learners in his/her professional studies. Advisement focuses on an individual’s progress in meeting outcome, general, and achievement testing criteria.

Course instructors and support faculty are available for student advisement. Students may contact their instructor by email and the instructor will respond within 1-2 business days. The instructor serves as the academic advisor for the course.

Dr. Isibor Joy Nosegbe, DNP, MSN-Ed, RN , CNE, CLNC is the Acting Program Director for the Practical Nursing program. Dr. Rondine Douglas-Stanley, Ed.D, RN, BC, CNE is the Program Director for the LPN to RN Program.


Faculty are accessible to students for academic or course advising at stated times outside a course’s regularly scheduled class hour, as well as throughout the period during which the course is offered. Faculty members inform students about their availability and encourage students to seek advisement. The faculty members are available before and after class and by appointment for student advisement.


Standard College offers free group tutoring sessions. Please contact your course instructor for the tutoring schedule.


Standard College endeavors to help students avoid academic difficulty. The most successful students attend class regularly, complete and submit assignments in a timely fashion, and seek assistance from instructors, advisors, or the Academic Resource Center at the first signs of trouble. Moreover, students who are successful academically have learned to balance extracurricular activities with academics.


A basic rule for any degree/program is to spend two times the number of hours studying per week as you are in class. Depending on the difficulty level of the course you are taking you may need to study more than the recommended study time.


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